Saturday, June 30, 2012

New Hampshire and Vermont

We weren't as late checking out as the previous guests but we did enjoy a fairly luxurious sleep in and a delightful breakfast before somewhat reluctantly heading off on a drizzly, no rainy, day into New Hampshire. 

With the rain steadily increasing to a deluge we took refuge and stopped at Wild Willy’s Burgers   The driver chose the Willy Burger while the navigator enjoyed a Chicken Sandwich. Mmmmmmm!!

Stayed at the Swiss Chalets Inn in Intervale (interesting alliteration). The Inn took a bit of finding but after we found it we were rewarded by a comfy place with a stunning mist shrouded view  of the mountains. The motel was managed by a family who had immigrated from India who were friendly and informative but hadn't used the great ski hills in the 10 years they had owned it. Oh well they ran a nice place!

After a by now traditional breakfast we drove toward Vermont on Highway 112 Kankamangus Highway. This is another of America's Scenic Byways which have been a huge part of our trip . Stunning views of the river & the mountains were the reward for taking a little more time than it would have taken by travelling on the major highways.

Vermont has always been known for its beauty and as we drove into it we weren't disappointed at all. The Apiarist lived and learned a lot about bees in1980 and driving through the lovely little towns brought back lots of pleasant memories.

Saw a sign that stopped us. Artesano Mead!! Tasted and bought some very nice mead. Interestingly their honey is sourced from Champlain Valley Apiaries, the place where the Apiarist had stayed in 1980. The little door next to the Meadery was the place they were selling their very own.........

Suitably fortified we managed another couple of hours of driving through the picturesque towns and verdant green countryside before we made it into Burlington
and booked into the Rodeway Inn. 

Dinner that night was at Flatbread Pizza. A yummy way to end a great day. Nice food too!

Next morning we wrote more and posted some of the always slightly out of date blog, caught up on emails and washed clothes. Such is life.

After breakfast we headed to the Burlington Jazz Festival. A totally unexpected and pleasant morning followed and the Educator in particular gained new choir ideas watching the 2 School Bands, watch out Broulee PS. 

Discovered that Burlington is the home of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream and then had lunch @ Leunig’s Bistro where the Apiarist enjoyed a Turkey Burger on Flatbread with tzatziki & salad greens and the Educator had  Comfort Food (Chicken w smoky BBQ sauce with a broccoli slaw) Add a Long Trail beer to the equation and mmmm we realised that Burlington was yet another place we should have spent another day at..... Another trip maybe.......

Reluctantly we left the University town and headed north and into..............

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