Saturday, June 2, 2012

Key West

To Key West

As we often take photos from the car it's reasonably important to have a clean windscreen but as we set out for Key West I was astounded to find ice in in the water containers where the windscreen washers were. I guess it was expected to be a bit warm!

Next stop Florida Keys Visitors Centre where we booked an afternoon/ evening dive on a couple of the reefs south of Key West. That gave us a something we hadn't really had for a month or two. A timetable!!!! So we set out along the iconic Highway 1.

Heading further south we passed by, over and through lots of interesting places and saw some really interesting bridges, hmmmm...

As it was a warm day we started to think of dropping in to a nice beach for a quick swim, but...... We quickly realised just how spoiled we are as far as beaches go. It was almost impossible to find a place to swim!!!

Lunch was shared with lots of families who were celebrating Mothers Day. Lots of BBQ's, lots of interesting food and lots of Spanish filled the park. Unfortunately there were of signs warning not to swim due to "Portugese Men of War" in the water. The sign had pictures of what looked like Bluebottles but discretion played the better part of valour and we did sit in very pleasant surroundings and enjoyed a nice lunch.

Hunger satisfied it was back into the CuRVy and onto Key West. We had now reached the southenmost point on mainland USA and Key West was very nice indeed with easily accessable beaches and very interesting shops and bars it would have been easy to spend a lot more time here.  Hemingway did.....

There was not enough time to fully enjoy the beach as we were onto the “Fury” for our dive trip. Twenty minutes through lumpy seas took us to the first of the 2 reefs we were to dive. We slipped into the warm water for 40 mins in the water with lots of varieties of fish and lovely soft coral (and 40 other snorkelers) for company. 

Nice dive but the seas had left both of us a little queasy and we passed on the opportunity for the second dive and Julie was even too crook for complimentary champagne, however the Apiarist was well enough for a couple of mini Buds!! 
With sun setting we returned to land the end of our trip south. All north from here! 

The return to terra firma still hadn't improved the Educator enough to front up for dinner but the Apiarist did enjoy the JuJu Shrimp as they took in some Key West music @ The Conche Bar.

Julie wasn't improving much but Bruce was much better so he drove home and with  
arrival being 12.30am it wasn't too hard to get to sleep.

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