Thursday, June 21, 2012

NYNY Day 1

New York Day 1

Leaving after viewing the Liberty Bell took a bit of time as did the extra trip to Target to buy a memory card for the new camera. But, believe it or not, this trip hasn’t been based around early departures and travelling long distances. The beauty of the trip so far is that we’ve set reasonably achievable driving distances which allows several things including time to stop and enjoy the scenery, sounds and attractions without fatiguing the driver, passenger or the CuRVy!!

The trip through New Jersey and into New York was relatively easy and even with our latish al fresco lunch stop we arrived in a timely matter.  Passed by some signs leading to places I seem to have heard about as well…..

We were congratulating ourselves on our Driving/ Navigating skill THEN WE WENT THROUGH THE LINCOLN TUNNEL AND!!!!!

Surviving numerous panic attacks from the Apiarist (navigator) the Educator (driver) managed to negotiate her way to West 71st Street and to our New York home for the next 4 nights. 1st problem was a parking spot but that was solved by quick action from the concierges who spotted a lady leaving her parking spot. With some gesticulation, some bluff and some skill we had free parking in New York City for the next 2 nights.

We moved into our smallish room but when there was a problem with the lock we were moved to another room! Bit of a hassle on that hot and humid afternoon, yes, but no, it was an UPGRADE!!! Not that the room was much bigger but the much quieter air conditioner did actually work and we had a view, sort of…

Having made ourselves at home we wandered about 200 metres to Central Park West (8th Avenue). One block north to 72nd St we found ourselves in front of Dakota Apartments, the scene of John Lennon’s murder. Across that road and we were into Central Park at Strawberry Fields. With its simple mosaic set in the path it is the only memorial to John Lennon in New York. Instead of huge memorials Yoko Ono who still lives in the Dakota donated over a million dollars for upkeep of that section of Central Park. Simple and moving.
Dinner of 2 appetisers at a nearby Turkish restaurant finished our day.

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