Friday, June 22, 2012


A shorter day to blog about today. Cab/ Metropolitan Museum of Art/ Cab/ Top of the Rock/ Subway/ Home 2 change/ Cab/ Broadway/ “Memphis”/ Broadway/ Cab/ Sleep!!! At least that’s what my notes said and looking at these notes I don't know why I felt so tired!!
Now here is the full description. LOL. 

Our scenic fifteen minute cab ride from the Comfort Inn took us through the middle of Central Park to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
To say this is an amazing museum is an understatement. We spent four hours and in that time barely covered a half of the museum. It would be very easy to base a week in New York simply around visits to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The beauty and breadth of art from civilizations from all around the world is stunning.

Back into another cab after a pretzel for lunch 
to head to the “Top of the Rock” which is a “catch phrase” for the Observation Tower on the top of the Rockefeller Centre. We chose to attend during the day rather than wait until the evening and see the lights of New York City as we had booked another Broadway show. Due to the Apiarist’s lack of speed we weren’t certain of being able to get back in time for the 11pm close. Daytime views were great on this sunny, summer day and we were able to easily see where we were staying, where we've been and where we're going to be.....  we could almost see Perkins Parade, Narooma!!

Subway home in time to book accommodation for Newport, Rhode Island for 2 days time and reheated paella from last night before we got back into a cab having changed and prepared ourselves to head back into Broadway for “Memphis” musical is based around race relation struggles in the south during the 1950’s. This held special interest as we’d spent the last 3 weeks looking at places that were significent to those troubled times.

Broadway hadn’t mellowed in the 24 hours since we last emerged from a theatre and we were simply gobsmacked by the colour and vibe again. 

Cab home again at midnight then sleep. zzzzzz

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