Thursday, June 21, 2012


Quiet, relaxed breakfasts at the Comfort Inn didn’t appear to be the norm but we managed to leave the crowded dining room well and truly satisfied. We’d hoped to do some necessary washing but the Laundromat was closed for Memorial Day oh well we were happy that we’d have another day’s free parking!!!!!

Before the day became too oppressive we went for another walk in Central Park. It’s only when you start to roam around this cool, leafy sanctuary from the madness outside its perimeter you start to understand how important it must be to New Yorkers. Saw people rowing boats, picnicking and even a guy flyfishing! The roaming may have been a little far for the Apiarist but it was an enjoyable start… 


While roaming the park we did manage to listen to some really good buskers as we went by Strawberry Fields. Guess whose music they were playing? Julie did manage to buy a very nice framed set of photographs, mmmmmm we may need some new walls. Anyone know a good  builder???


Another great advantage of our hotel’s location is that we’re only a short (for some) walk from the subway. That’s the transit system not the food shop.  Our objective was to master the subway system and get to Citi Field (Shea Stadium) for a 1.10pm Mets game. As an added bonus the 45 minute subway ride gave some great views of the "art" of the city. 
 We didn’t quite make it on time for the Memorial Day National Anthem but we did see the fly past by the Air Force as we were alighting from the subway. Going to a baseball game on Memorial Day is very much an American thing to do. We, and what seemed like thousands were late to the start of the ball game but no one really appeared to be too stressed.

As we were heading towards our seats it was suggested that rather than we take the seats we had booked we stay closer to the top of the stands by the guy on working on the aisle. His suggestion was taken. We benefited from the shade and even though the temperature was above 35C (90F) the day was bearable. With the help of a couple of thirst quenchers that is…

Due to the Memorial Day (and Navy week) festivities there were lots and lots of Sailors & Marines throughout the crowd. We managed to (almost) get onto TV when the cameras focussed on the very large Marine sitting in the seat in front of us. Unfortunately even with our support the Mets went down to the Philadelphia Phillies but that didn’t matter all that much.

After the ball game we were back on the subway and alighting at South Ferry to get the (free) Staten Island Ferry The ferry ride gives great views of the Statue of Liberty and of New York City. Again there were lots of Sailors and Marines on the ferry and around the city. There were many people who went up to them and thanked them for what they do and lots of young girls who asked to get pictures taken with them. Mmmm deserved nice times for them.

 Back onto the subway to go home for a quick drink and relax in the luxury of our room before walking around the corner for burgers and salads washed down with $1 Buds for Memorial Day.

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