Friday, June 22, 2012


Exciting start to the day, breakfast then washing! Oh well they both had to be done

The other thing that had to be done was move the CuRVy. New York’s streets are swept every second or third day which I am sure is only to make people either pay for parking or to go without cars. This necessitates a mass migration of cars at 9am and we joined the throng. Again the Educator excelled and we parked next to a “Smart Car” in a space where a “Smart Car” would have struggled to fit.

Subway and then cab for the journey to the site of the Twin Towers bombing.  The cab driver got a little bit lost on the way to the 9/11 Memorial? With a little bit of a walk on a very hot day we made it to the Visitors Centre for our 12.30 tour. We were able to get a wheelchair to enable us to make the tour, without the chair the Apiarist would have been a puddle on the pavement.

Was it worth the effort on a very, very hot and sultry day? YES IT WAS!!! This is a
sad, and moving place. The fountains where the towers stood and the names of the victims of the attack are a stark reminder of the tragedy that took place that day.

Lunch at a nearby (expensive) bar & grill was needed and nice, before we took what was said to be a short walk to the
Museum of Jewish Heritage  The Holocaust exhibit further underlined the fact that war and people have done atrocious things in the name of religion.

With, by now, very weary legs for half of the team we boarded a train for the trip back to our hotel. Unfortunately we took the wrong train! It was actually an express and whizzed right past our 72nd street stop. By the time we stopped we were in Harlem where we changed back onto a correct (all stops) train to get home and change, grab a cab and dash into Broadway for the Phantom of the Opera. Oh well it had to happen.

Arriving with fifteen minutes to spare we then had to walk up LOTS AND LOTS of stairs to our seats. Despite the walk our seats were actually fabulous and the show exceeded all expectations!!

Emerging after the show we were overwhelmed by the lights and energy of Broadway. We even had a brush with fame when Ricky Martin (who’s he?) emerged from a show or at least that's what people were saying. A lot of people were excited by this.

We were excited by Broadway!!!!

In all the excitement we’d neglected dinner and with the day coming to an end we found an Argentinean restaurant near our hotel whose Paella satisfied our considerable hunger. It was 10.30pm!! But with the amount of Paella it would be on the menu again.......

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