Tuesday, May 22, 2012

to Pensacola, Tallahassee & New Port Richie

Memphis was big but with three long driving days ahead of us there was no time for an indolent start. After a quick breakfast we left in heavy rain with strong winds buffeting the car as we headed south east towards Tupelo on Highway 78.

It seemed that every second vehicle heading in the opposite direction to us was a huge Winebago towing a car or boat bearing Canadian number plates. We guessed that the winter is now officially over and the "Snowbirds" are heading back to their northern roosts. These motorhomes have to be seen to be believed. They must have every luxury inside and then some but it would have to be a very long drive!!!

Rain, or the threat of rain, seems to have a similar effect on farmers in the USA as it does in Australia as again the ploughs were out in force. As the old farmer's adage states "there's more money in mud than dust"!!

And these tractors were not little rigs but whether they were preparing fields for corn, cabbages or cotton they were on the move!

Stopped at Tupelo and received the normal enthusiastic welcome and "what would y'all like" at McDonald's. The service is great but the coffee doesn't always have the same zing as the servers but at around $1 per cup you can't really complain. However that first Long Black at Montague Coffee Roasters will be very nice!

The skies ahead were ominous and it was worth remembering that we were in Tornado Alley in the south of the USA. Hmmmmmmm, were these clouds leading to a twister!!

Our fears were heightened when we started to see long forks of lightning followed seconds later by  booming thunder. Before long the strong winds had intensified and the rain was falling in sheets. We, and thankfully most of the others, on the highway were driving slowly with their wipers on high and their warning lights flashing.

I suspected we may see visions of Dorothy and Toto whizzing past but instead we settled for the welcoming lights of a SUBWAY!! Oh well at least we could have a relatively healthy meal while we waited for the danger to pass!! The warning while alarming was accurate but we received encouraging news from another patron of Subway who had just spoken to his daughter in Mobile Alabama and he assured us that the weather would improve.

Our "impecably dressed forecaster" was correct and the further south we headed the rain, wind and cloud dissapeared leaving us with a sunny entrance through Alabama and into Florida. The road through Alabama was interesting with churches only outnumbered by fast food outlets. It was also obviously a logging area and the regulations for log truck loads appear to be slightly different to those in Australia.

Finally into Florida which will be the state we're in more than any other on the trip.
Booking into our Pensacola accommodation was different in that this time it was a B&B rather than a Motel. Similar price as motels and a lovely place. Dinner at a Thai buffet. Nice to have some vegetables!!!
The night in the B & B was good the best part being the building which was lovely. After Julie went for a run through the historic district we enjoyed a nice breakfast, with limited options for someone following my diet. There was a phone call during breakfast to our mobile (cell) phone but before I realised that the call was on our phone we had missed it. lol!!!

Drove around the area Julie had run checking the real estate for sale in the area (cheap by Aussie prices) then went up to Bay Bluffs to look at the highest cliifs on the Florida Coast. Hmmmmmaybe we didn't find the right places. The Gulf Beaches were beckoning so we headed to Pensacola Beach.

 White Sand - Swam - Hot day- Nice

Note these things; The size of the surf; the Lifeguard hut and the stride of the Clubbie!

 It would be safer with this Lifesaver below!

Back on the road we drove through some "over the top" housing that dominates the beachfront before stopping for a nice lunch at another pretty park before you know who kissed the concrete!!!!

Lucky the driver knows how to apply a pressure bandage!!!!

Stopped and bought some dinner supplies. Selected and watched while our shrimp ($6 per pound - $12 per Kilo) and crawfish ($5 per pound - $10 per Kilo) was cooked and seasoned.


Great meal prepared by the Educator. Note to Gourmet Traveller you need to look no further than this for your next article. 

Great finish to an up and down day!!!

Comfortable night (even with the bandage) and away from Tallahassee, Florida's State Capital, the next day  after checking emails, writing postcards, blogging etc,etc. The buildings around the university and the football field would take days to explore but that was for another time. We had a day of travelling mainly via the back roads towards the next 2 nights' accommodation with a friend. Wahoo, no motels!!

The drive was interesting but the lack of beaches was concerning to the person who would be able to swim... Unfortunately we didn't find a swimming hole but we did find a more than acceptable lunch spot. And if only we had the fishing gear!!!!

Something became apparent - there was a hint of an election in the air. Advertisements for every position

There was even a sign for a Clown for hire (note Pambula SLSC) and for a Roach Coach!!
And work for prisoners. Hmmmmm
Maximum Security?????
After crossing the Suwannee (Swannee) River. We guessed we were way down south.....

Finally to New Port Richey and to Donna's 


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