Friday, May 25, 2012

Days with Donna

Our adventures for the next few days had been organised by Donna who’s a friend the Apiarist made in an (on-line) Multiple Sclerosis support group. “Joolies Joint” is a place that offers an entertaining support group for people with MS worldwide. It was a great help in the time after Bruce’s diagnosis.

Following a latish breakfast we were away towards the intriguingly named Honeymoon Island to spend some time swimming and taking in some Vitamin D. I was glad Donna was the driver as I was lost almost as soon as we left the Golf Course that surrounded Donna’s home.

Honeymoon Island was called Hog Island until it’s then owner decided to change its name in the 1920’s. I can understand the name change as Hog Island wasn’t exactly the type of place one would go to for a romantic escapade. Unfortunately for the owner the Great Depression intervened and the Island eventually reverted to State Ownership.

As a State Park it has fabulous amenities. Unfortunately the first beach we stopped at had far too many fist sized chunks of the l limestone that was used to increase the island’s size so we moved a few hundred metres (yards) to an area with a much smoother beach.

We had the sand we wanted and the sun we wanted but did we have the water we wanted? Within a few steps from the shore and with our first dive in we knew. It was lovely!!!!

While were soaking up a bit of sun we noticed a rather large fire in the distance. We, however, seemed to be the only people aware of it and most seemed to be totally oblivious to the plume of smoke. Seemed as though the practice of sun worship  is alive and well in Florida!


Swam a bit, floated a bit, lazed a bit, burned a bit, oh well Vitamin D is good for you isn’t it? In general a totally relaxing place and the fire didn’t appear to be causing too much concern after all…. 


Tarpon Springs was our next destination. I am quite sure that if I had asked there would have been someone in the area who knew or at least knew of Pete Pisanos of Bay St Gym fame. This is the Greek area of Tampa Bay and there was no shortage of shops selling Greek (and American) food. We resisted the urge as we’d enjoyed a delightful picnic earlier on but we did come away with a Napoleon Baklava for the girls later on!

Greeks settled in the area early last century and the magnet was to establish a sponge diving industry and the fruits of their work and the brightly coloured boats were on display, EVERYWHERE!! And there was some evidence of the Greek - Aussie influence...

“Miss Vicky’s” was the destination for dinner. “Miss Vicky’s” is a bar right on the water and to add to the ambiance of the still very warm night we were entertained by a singer/ guitarist. Very Floridian.

We ate a meal of crab chowder (& fries), spicy & nice blackened fish (and fries) and crab cakes (and fries). Also while there, we tasted something that we’d seen advertised in many places during our trip - Boiled Peanuts! A tasty new experience for we Aussies.


Slept very well that night but we needed to as Donna had another big day planned. After breakfast it was off to the Weeki Watchi River where we boarded our rented canoes for the 8 kilometre (5 mile) paddle. We were joined on the expedition by fellow JJ’s chatter Cathy & her daughter Megan.

The Weeki Wachi is spring fed and we had 3½ hours of very easy paddling ahead of us. 

In fact we only really needed to steer due to the fact that the gentle currant was helping us. It’s well known as an area in which manatees “roam” and we were on the search for them.

It would be an understatement to say it was very clear water as it would be an understatement to say we had got away from the frenetic Tampa life.

We swam on a sandy beach just after we entered the State Park. NICE!!!! The serenity was somewhat diminished as we paddled past the occasional house and by a few other groups enjoying the river but it was never very busy. 

Unfortunately there were no Manatees, I think they heard we were coming, but we did see turtles, a snakes, birds & lots and lots of fish that looked like mullet as we paddled down the crystal clear river.


Having said our good bye’s to Cathy and Megan we headed back into New Port Richey and picked up another (JJ’s) friend, Steve. We were off to “Skippers” for music and dinner.

Saying “Skipper’s” is in an unusual building is yet another huge understatement. It looks a little like what was left after the last hurricane. The meals were OK but the three bands that played were great. “The Whisky Gentry,” a four piece newgrass band, were followed by the sort of bluesy “Lipbone Redbone” and the night ended with the aptly named “Boom Chick,” guitarist and female drummer. Interesting….

There were lots of upcoming events promoted by Skipper’s and the local area including “Tropical Heatwave” which is a festival that we would have loved to have seen but…..

Great company on a varied couple of days. Donna sure did a fantastic job of entertaining us and providing us with a slice of the Tampa Bay lifestyle. As our old friend Jjjjjimmy would say, “NICE MEETIN NICE PEOPLE! “

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