Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Punta Gorda & the Everglades

From Tampa Through the Everglades to Florida City

After saying our goodbyes and thankyous to Donna who did a great job organising 2 wonderful days in the Tampa area it was on with Mrs Garmin and away. Heading south we bypassed most of Tampa Bay and St Petersburg, had great views crossing the Skyway Bridge and passed by heaps of fishing piers, Churches / Golf Courses / and Gated Communities. Interesting lifestyle..... And signs of the northern snowbirds are everywhere....

Our first stop was at Wayne & Gloria’s at Punta Gorda. Wayne and Gloria are the Grandparents of Ella, one of Julie’s students from Gravenhurst. Their blackboard message welcomed us to their home where we enjoyed a great lunch around their pool. 

Spent a relaxing couple of hours talking and touring their the house before saying our goodbyes and heading further south to Naples and then east through Everglades State Park and the Big Cypress  Forest Preserve. But that wasn't before we tasted some of Gloria's Key Lime Cake. Yummmmm. Another time when we wished we could stay longer.

This was another interesting drive as we seemed to have the swamp on both sides of us. That we were in the Everglades was underlined by what we found when we went for a quick walk at the Oasis Visitors Centre. We didn’t need to be on a boat to find alligators!!!!!

There were also lots of cormorants, herons & egrets and also many Panther signs but the panthers must have been away. One thing that was in profusion was the opportunity to take Air Boat tours but we were a bit late in the day and we’d already seen enough gators at the visitor’s centre.

Following the roadside canal for quite a while we saw lots fishermen trying their luck. I couldn’t help wondering what the fisherman would do if a gator took the bait. Hmmm I guess those are questions that will go unanswered for the time being.

As our destination neared we took advantage one of the nurseries that were by the side of the road and bought fresh food to eat in the Travelodge room and enjoyed the Florida City Sunset.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Days with Donna

Our adventures for the next few days had been organised by Donna who’s a friend the Apiarist made in an (on-line) Multiple Sclerosis support group. “Joolies Joint” is a place that offers an entertaining support group for people with MS worldwide. It was a great help in the time after Bruce’s diagnosis.

Following a latish breakfast we were away towards the intriguingly named Honeymoon Island to spend some time swimming and taking in some Vitamin D. I was glad Donna was the driver as I was lost almost as soon as we left the Golf Course that surrounded Donna’s home.

Honeymoon Island was called Hog Island until it’s then owner decided to change its name in the 1920’s. I can understand the name change as Hog Island wasn’t exactly the type of place one would go to for a romantic escapade. Unfortunately for the owner the Great Depression intervened and the Island eventually reverted to State Ownership.

As a State Park it has fabulous amenities. Unfortunately the first beach we stopped at had far too many fist sized chunks of the l limestone that was used to increase the island’s size so we moved a few hundred metres (yards) to an area with a much smoother beach.

We had the sand we wanted and the sun we wanted but did we have the water we wanted? Within a few steps from the shore and with our first dive in we knew. It was lovely!!!!

While were soaking up a bit of sun we noticed a rather large fire in the distance. We, however, seemed to be the only people aware of it and most seemed to be totally oblivious to the plume of smoke. Seemed as though the practice of sun worship  is alive and well in Florida!


Swam a bit, floated a bit, lazed a bit, burned a bit, oh well Vitamin D is good for you isn’t it? In general a totally relaxing place and the fire didn’t appear to be causing too much concern after all…. 


Tarpon Springs was our next destination. I am quite sure that if I had asked there would have been someone in the area who knew or at least knew of Pete Pisanos of Bay St Gym fame. This is the Greek area of Tampa Bay and there was no shortage of shops selling Greek (and American) food. We resisted the urge as we’d enjoyed a delightful picnic earlier on but we did come away with a Napoleon Baklava for the girls later on!

Greeks settled in the area early last century and the magnet was to establish a sponge diving industry and the fruits of their work and the brightly coloured boats were on display, EVERYWHERE!! And there was some evidence of the Greek - Aussie influence...

“Miss Vicky’s” was the destination for dinner. “Miss Vicky’s” is a bar right on the water and to add to the ambiance of the still very warm night we were entertained by a singer/ guitarist. Very Floridian.

We ate a meal of crab chowder (& fries), spicy & nice blackened fish (and fries) and crab cakes (and fries). Also while there, we tasted something that we’d seen advertised in many places during our trip - Boiled Peanuts! A tasty new experience for we Aussies.


Slept very well that night but we needed to as Donna had another big day planned. After breakfast it was off to the Weeki Watchi River where we boarded our rented canoes for the 8 kilometre (5 mile) paddle. We were joined on the expedition by fellow JJ’s chatter Cathy & her daughter Megan.

The Weeki Wachi is spring fed and we had 3½ hours of very easy paddling ahead of us. 

In fact we only really needed to steer due to the fact that the gentle currant was helping us. It’s well known as an area in which manatees “roam” and we were on the search for them.

It would be an understatement to say it was very clear water as it would be an understatement to say we had got away from the frenetic Tampa life.

We swam on a sandy beach just after we entered the State Park. NICE!!!! The serenity was somewhat diminished as we paddled past the occasional house and by a few other groups enjoying the river but it was never very busy. 

Unfortunately there were no Manatees, I think they heard we were coming, but we did see turtles, a snakes, birds & lots and lots of fish that looked like mullet as we paddled down the crystal clear river.


Having said our good bye’s to Cathy and Megan we headed back into New Port Richey and picked up another (JJ’s) friend, Steve. We were off to “Skippers” for music and dinner.

Saying “Skipper’s” is in an unusual building is yet another huge understatement. It looks a little like what was left after the last hurricane. The meals were OK but the three bands that played were great. “The Whisky Gentry,” a four piece newgrass band, were followed by the sort of bluesy “Lipbone Redbone” and the night ended with the aptly named “Boom Chick,” guitarist and female drummer. Interesting….

There were lots of upcoming events promoted by Skipper’s and the local area including “Tropical Heatwave” which is a festival that we would have loved to have seen but…..

Great company on a varied couple of days. Donna sure did a fantastic job of entertaining us and providing us with a slice of the Tampa Bay lifestyle. As our old friend Jjjjjimmy would say, “NICE MEETIN NICE PEOPLE! “

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

to Pensacola, Tallahassee & New Port Richie

Memphis was big but with three long driving days ahead of us there was no time for an indolent start. After a quick breakfast we left in heavy rain with strong winds buffeting the car as we headed south east towards Tupelo on Highway 78.

It seemed that every second vehicle heading in the opposite direction to us was a huge Winebago towing a car or boat bearing Canadian number plates. We guessed that the winter is now officially over and the "Snowbirds" are heading back to their northern roosts. These motorhomes have to be seen to be believed. They must have every luxury inside and then some but it would have to be a very long drive!!!

Rain, or the threat of rain, seems to have a similar effect on farmers in the USA as it does in Australia as again the ploughs were out in force. As the old farmer's adage states "there's more money in mud than dust"!!

And these tractors were not little rigs but whether they were preparing fields for corn, cabbages or cotton they were on the move!

Stopped at Tupelo and received the normal enthusiastic welcome and "what would y'all like" at McDonald's. The service is great but the coffee doesn't always have the same zing as the servers but at around $1 per cup you can't really complain. However that first Long Black at Montague Coffee Roasters will be very nice!

The skies ahead were ominous and it was worth remembering that we were in Tornado Alley in the south of the USA. Hmmmmmmm, were these clouds leading to a twister!!

Our fears were heightened when we started to see long forks of lightning followed seconds later by  booming thunder. Before long the strong winds had intensified and the rain was falling in sheets. We, and thankfully most of the others, on the highway were driving slowly with their wipers on high and their warning lights flashing.

I suspected we may see visions of Dorothy and Toto whizzing past but instead we settled for the welcoming lights of a SUBWAY!! Oh well at least we could have a relatively healthy meal while we waited for the danger to pass!! The warning while alarming was accurate but we received encouraging news from another patron of Subway who had just spoken to his daughter in Mobile Alabama and he assured us that the weather would improve.

Our "impecably dressed forecaster" was correct and the further south we headed the rain, wind and cloud dissapeared leaving us with a sunny entrance through Alabama and into Florida. The road through Alabama was interesting with churches only outnumbered by fast food outlets. It was also obviously a logging area and the regulations for log truck loads appear to be slightly different to those in Australia.

Finally into Florida which will be the state we're in more than any other on the trip.
Booking into our Pensacola accommodation was different in that this time it was a B&B rather than a Motel. Similar price as motels and a lovely place. Dinner at a Thai buffet. Nice to have some vegetables!!!
The night in the B & B was good the best part being the building which was lovely. After Julie went for a run through the historic district we enjoyed a nice breakfast, with limited options for someone following my diet. There was a phone call during breakfast to our mobile (cell) phone but before I realised that the call was on our phone we had missed it. lol!!!

Drove around the area Julie had run checking the real estate for sale in the area (cheap by Aussie prices) then went up to Bay Bluffs to look at the highest cliifs on the Florida Coast. Hmmmmmaybe we didn't find the right places. The Gulf Beaches were beckoning so we headed to Pensacola Beach.

 White Sand - Swam - Hot day- Nice

Note these things; The size of the surf; the Lifeguard hut and the stride of the Clubbie!

 It would be safer with this Lifesaver below!

Back on the road we drove through some "over the top" housing that dominates the beachfront before stopping for a nice lunch at another pretty park before you know who kissed the concrete!!!!

Lucky the driver knows how to apply a pressure bandage!!!!

Stopped and bought some dinner supplies. Selected and watched while our shrimp ($6 per pound - $12 per Kilo) and crawfish ($5 per pound - $10 per Kilo) was cooked and seasoned.


Great meal prepared by the Educator. Note to Gourmet Traveller you need to look no further than this for your next article. 

Great finish to an up and down day!!!

Comfortable night (even with the bandage) and away from Tallahassee, Florida's State Capital, the next day  after checking emails, writing postcards, blogging etc,etc. The buildings around the university and the football field would take days to explore but that was for another time. We had a day of travelling mainly via the back roads towards the next 2 nights' accommodation with a friend. Wahoo, no motels!!

The drive was interesting but the lack of beaches was concerning to the person who would be able to swim... Unfortunately we didn't find a swimming hole but we did find a more than acceptable lunch spot. And if only we had the fishing gear!!!!

Something became apparent - there was a hint of an election in the air. Advertisements for every position

There was even a sign for a Clown for hire (note Pambula SLSC) and for a Roach Coach!!
And work for prisoners. Hmmmmm
Maximum Security?????
After crossing the Suwannee (Swannee) River. We guessed we were way down south.....

Finally to New Port Richey and to Donna's 


Monday, May 21, 2012

Memphis in May

Prior to our leaving we had been speaking to fellow Perkins Paradians Stretch & ROK about our upcoming trip. Stretch who, knows a lot more about music than he does about football, asked "are you going to Memphis in May"? I said yes but we'll be there in April. He then told me that "Memphis in May" was a Festival. Having looked at the MIM website we changed our plans a bit to fit in a trip to Memphis in May!!!!!

 Changing our plan allowed us to #1 follow the Natchez Trace in the right direction and #2 spend time in Nashville. Both great parts of our adventure!!! For our trip from Nashville to Memphis we took the  I40 from Nashville 2 Memphis (the Music Highway). Not as scenic as the Natchez Trace but much more direct.

Lots of traffic and in particular lots of trucks agreed with us but it was direct and it was quick and we got to see some amazing things....  

 and when you call in at a visitor centre with this name you know there is some music around....
Arrived at our very busy hotel (there was a wedding reception and an 18th birthday party there that night) but it was too early to book in so we decided to look for some lunch before heading into Memphis. Before we headed downtown we enjoyed a tasty and satisfying lunch at the Crackerbarrel Country Store. Crackerbarrel was one of the Advertisements at the Grand Ole Opry so it came "highly recommended"! In truth it was a very good Family Diner and the proof of that was that it was full of families enjoying a good meal.  

Memphis is famous and infamous for many things and probably no date has bought Memphis into the spotlight more than April 4 1968. That is the date that Martin Luther King Jnr was was assassignated. We had thought of looking at the National Civil Rites Museum and we are so glad we made that decision as we had a fabulous tour of what is a landmark in America's history.

The National Civil Rites Museum is built around the place where Dr King was shot, the Lorraine Motel and the room from where the assassin fired the bullet.

The Motel including the cars (not the originals) and both the assassin's and Dr King's rooms have been restored to the way that they were on that day. We both shared the same eerie feeling right throughout that very hot and steamy late afternoon. 

The tour and the museum takes you through the days' weeks and years leading up to the moment when Dr King was shot and through the aftermath of the shooting. Walking through the museum was going to be difficult (for the beekeeper) but we were able to use a Museum wheelchair. This turned out to be fortunate thing for us not only in terms of seeing the museum but when we were leaving.  We were late (what's new) leaving and just as we were about to finally leave Julie spotted a person who featured in and was the narrator of the excellent film that was recommended viewing before taking the self guided tour.


Our wonderful tour of the museum was made even more wonderful when we were introduced to and had fifteen minutes talking with the Reverend Samuel (Billy) Kyles. It was his house where Martin Luther King Jnr. was to have dinner the night he was shot and Reverend Kyles had come to the Lorraine Motel to meet with him.  

What a finish to the museum!! And as we looked back at the gate we couldn't help but wondering what might have been.

Having spent as much time as we did at the Museum we didn't have any time to do any other of the things we'd planned so it was into the CuRVy and put Beale Street into Mrs G. 

Memphis lays claim to being the BBQ capital of the world. Now they aren't alone in this claim but if their not the capital they're right up they'd be in the running. And BBQ's aside they sure do know how to party. Luckily we found free parking outside a church on Beale Street within 50 metres of the festival. WOW what a treat we were in for and what a lead into the next day's music!!!

 These were just the first of the many (free) bands that were playing in the street and by the time we watched the tumblers (unbelievable) and resisted the urges to enjoy a cold beer, eat the best ribs etc, etc.........


 As we on Beale Street it seemed that to head to BB King's Blues Club for Ribs would be an appropriate plan. What a friendly place (thanks to the server who saw I was struggling a bit), with good service and as you would expect great music. The Will Tucker Band were playing, his laid back appearance hid a great performer with a super band. 

Emerging rehydrated and with full bellies after an hour of fun we were not really surprised to find the party in full swing.

Time was passing and with some regrets we called it a night and headed to our very busy (party central) hotel but I don't think the noise affected our sleep too much. We were justifiably ready for sleep!

Next morning quick breakfast due to a limited selection but that didn't matter as we were off to the the Memphis in May Festival. We'd been told that there would be Disabled Parking available near the Festival gate and that proved accurate and we were able to park the CuRVy in close walking distance, phew!!

Though the day was  hot & sunny and was to get even hotter and sunnier we found  reasonably pleasant seating in the (Covered) Blues Stage which was the closest stage to the gate. Yippee!! Great view of the Mississippi and the occassional cool breeze coming off the water made it certain that one half of the team would be in his seat for a long time.

First band to play were the Alexis P Suter Band. Great big girl, great big voice!!!! What a start to the day, note to Stretch they would be very good at Narooma and when she danced it was a sight to behold....

 and with a little encouragement she almost got the whole crowd dancing.......
Following Alison P Suter the beekeeper sat and spent some time enjoying the coolish breeze off the water and then listened to Duke Robillard who was very good.Julie was able to head out an buy a beer for the beekeeper before heading to other stages and listening to and loving Little Richard and Michael Franti (her fave). 

The day was starting to change a little and clouds were building which as well as providing great sunset photo's gave us some clues to a later storm....

 One performer we really wanted to hear was Charlie Musselwhite who has played in Narooma on a number of occassions. For the beekeeper he was the standout!!!! Apart from being a great musician he really seems to enjoy himself on stage. A nice addition was that we spoke to Charlie's wife Henri who enjoyed some of the best honey in the world (Frost's) while she was in Australia. We spoke to her for quite a while and they're pleased to hear the Festival's coming back to Narooma.

For us the Festival finished a trip outside in the now slightly cooler air to listen to  Allison Krause & Union Station playing with the lightshow from the lightning that was all around us. We left with cloud increasing and the sound of thunder booming in our ears but with memories of a great Music Festival.

We drove home thru a very big storm and torrential rain (weren't we LUCKY WITH THE WEATHER) safely before watching the lightning and storm from our motel room!!! 

What a day and if anyone asks you. Memphis does have a PYRAMID!!!!!!!!!