Sunday, April 22, 2012

Two at the Soo

After the fun and games of the Wednesday Work Gang was over it was UP, UP AND AWAYYYY for the Apiarist and the Educator!!!

In 2009 the Apiarist was fortunate enough to win a Multiple Sclerosis ACT/NSW/Victoria Go For Gold Scholarship. The purpose of this Scholarship was to follow the dream of travelling the "Blues Highway- (61)' to  New Orleans and then north along the Blue Ridge Parkway in order to listen to Bruce's two favourite types of music Blues and Bluegrass. 

A discussion at a Muskoka Coffee House with Beverly Robertson reminded us that Highway 61 actually started at Thunder Bay, Ontario. So that meant to truly "follow that dream" we needed to head west to Thunder Bay. Luckily for us we had friends on the way we could visit, and stay with so it was off to the "Soo" i.e Sault Ste Marie.

Our friends in the "Soo" are Collingwood Marianna's dad Otto and his partner Pam. They had stayed with us in Narooma in 2010 and had said to us that if we were in Canada we should come and visit. In order to get to Thunder Bay and Highway 61 it was necessary to travel through Sault Ste Marie.

Otto, apart from being a good bloke, has a number of great attributes and one of those attributes is that he's a chef and he (and his brother) own a restaurant. That's where we met them at 8pm that's where we were able to satisfy the hunger we'd  built up during the 7 hour trip. Very nice!!!

Next morning Otto was off at his day job as a Lecturer in Food Technology at the local College. Pam was to be our "Tour de Soo Guide" and she did a great job!!! First stop was to see where the Saint Mary's River met Lake Superior, the more time we spend in Canada the more water we see.........

We were there long enough time to remind ourselves that spring in Canada can be cool. After enough time to see the body of water we'll be following for the next 2 days we headed to the marvellous Canadian Bushplane Heritage Centre. We could have spent hours there. 


After a lot of education and a bit of fun we said goodbye to the history of flight in the north of Canada and went home to pick up Otto and to head to where he had his "Camp" St Joseph's Island was interesting and his "Camp" would be great in the summer. It wasn't too bad in the spring and it was made better by the Pancake and French Toast Dinner we had.

Two days at the Soo was made great by our hosts 
Pam and Otto. We'll be back!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Those planes look pretty cool. What a great idea to hook a canoe to it.
