Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Gravenhurst, Ontario

First things first. We're BAAAAAACCCCCKKKKKK!  

Our return has been easy and seamless. That is if you take away the random Airport Taxi ride from Allambie Heights, the 24 hours stuck in an Air Canada 777B, the malfunction in the Lester B Pearson (Toronto) Airport docking bridge and the interesting transport through airports for people with mobility issues!!!

Truthfully it was a very good trip and it's kind of neat being transported through an airport quickly and easily albeit backwards. Mind you it wasn't as exciting as the trip through Inchon Airport with the Korean version of Basil Fawlty on our trip last year!!!!

Since arriving in Gravenhurst we've been overwhelmed with the welcome and generosity of our friends. We were so lucky to do an exchange here! Not only are Gravenhurstians super friendly but the place is beautiful!!!!!

That beauty has been continued and magnified in our accommodation while in Gravenhurst this time. Due to the generosity of the parents of one of Julie's schoolchildren  we are staying on a cottage on Kahshe Lake The Cottage is stunning, the lake is stunning and Jackie, Greg and Jacob are stunning. 

Our Gravenhurstian friends have been, to put it mildly, welcoming! We have been entertained and greeted warmly wherever we have gone. Only one more sleep until we head west to Sault Ste Marie and beyond.......

Next Post will detail the Gravenhurst adventures of the Schoolteacher and the Apiarist 

1 comment:

  1. I wish there was a like button. So I am verbally "liking" this blog.

