Friday, February 10, 2012

Good but busy

Life at home is good but busy! But then we wouldn't have it any other way, would we??? I'll give you a small insight into a regular weekend.....

First things first. We are returning to life in Narooma.....

And that means back to Broulee Public School and the darlings of 1/2F. Back to mowing lawns and tidying the garden. Back to housework. Back to the beach. And back to the fun and games of Bay Street along with the manipulations and exercises from Jaimey and after those exertions the post gym recovery at Montague Coffee .

Over the past 8 weeks we've been following the adventures of the Curvy and more particularly following the adventures of the current pilot (Greg) and co pilot (Haydos). Following their chauffering of JAF and the apiarist to their luxurious airport hotel the grand adventure had taken them to Chicago, St Louis, New Orleans, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Washington, New York, Boston, Toronto and GRAVENHURST!  What a trip! Well done boys!

News had come that the adventurers had touched down safely in Sydney and that Greg was bringing Felicity (Flick) down to visit us, (Narooma) Grandma and Grandpa and to collect Greg's car. Great news BUT JAF and I had been invited to a wedding. What to do??

Petes  wedding (more about Pete & the wedding later)was at Gerringong which is north of Bendalong so the decision was made to meet Greg and Flick at Bendy, have them stay the night, catch up on their news and give Greg his car back. A good decision and a great night and morning followed.

Farewelling (and giving last minute instructions to) Greg & Flick who were headed to Narooma to see Grandma and Grandpa took a little bit of time. But it was great to see them both in such good spirits.

The farewell did gave us time for one last Bendi swim before we headed north to Gerringong for Pete and Ana's wedding. Pete had been Greg's boss at the Whale Restaurant in Narooma and we had become friendly with him over the time that he was working in Narooma and living in Bodalla.

With a setting like this it is no doubt that outdoor weddings are become more and more popular. And when you are a caterer like Pete (who is a great chef) having the reception at home makes lots of sense!

The next morning was spent relaxing and enjoying the various feathered and furry creatures that are frequent visitors to Cherry Street before we headed to Batemans Bay for a welcome BBQ for this year's incoming exchange teachers.

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