Thursday, June 7, 2012

Blue Ridge Parkway

During 2010 when Julie was arranging for her teacher's exchange to Ontario we had been planning for the summer vacation trip and a trip through the south of the USA was very much a part of those plans. During the planning phase Bruce had been fortunate to receive a Multiple Sclerosis Australia "Go for Gold" scholarship to assist him to "follow his dream" of listening to America's music including as much of the Blues and Bluegrass genres as possible. When we put both these plans together a trip along the Blue Ridge Parkway became a "must do" part of our trip. 

When Julie needed to return home for the Northern Hemisphere summer in 2011 these plans were put on hold  but when we decided to return to Canada and the USA this year the "Blue Ridge Parkway" was one of our "must do's"!

We set off from Jordy's place a little later than we had imagined we would but when her friend and neighbour Jennifer called in to visit we had to talk for a bit. Don't know whether I mentioned that her friend was a beekeeper who also bred Australorp chooks (chickens). Hmmm lucky we aren't still there.... 

We got onto the road to Galax a little later than expected but deadlines for this trip are a little fluid so that didn't really matter. And we were only planning to travel a short distance! However a short distance on the Blue Ridge Parkway never takes a short amount of time. The photo of Mrs G shows part of the reason why! It's a 2 lane windy road! Nice!!!!

The Parkway is a "National Scenic Byway" and an "All American Road" and is one of the most driven roads in the USA. There's a 80 km per hour (50 mph) speed limit and NO commercial traffic therefore  there are NO TRUCKS. That gives plenty of time for lots of pushbikes, motorbikes and dawdling tourists (like us) to enjoy what is an amazing drive.

 I'm not really sure how many scenic overlooks there were but we stopped and marvelled at the view at most of them before we arrived at Galax for the night. We stayed at a Rodeway Inn and figured the CuRVy would be safe parked in this company.....

We seemed to have stayed with every motel chain during this journey and have used for most of them but this time the booking didn't work out as easily in the past so there were a few minutes of phone calling/ email checking/ hand wringing til we got into our luxurious room. Hmmmmm!! Actually all of the accommodation has been really good for the amount we've paid which hasn't been all that much. A quiet night followed.....

After a late start due to diary/ blog/ breakfast/ card posting it was back onto the Parkway and we didn't get very far before we saw these signs..............

So when we saw................................

Our first stop was at the Blue Ridge Music Centre where the Buck Mountain Band were just starting their first set. Consisting of fiddle, banjo, guitar and bass (and dog) the band played, talked, sang and danced for four hours. All the musicians are retired and they play weekly (voluntarily) and explain the background of each song they played. What an entertaining way to spend a little bit of time.

Although we could easily have stayed longer, four hours was enough for both us and also for the band who were packing up. With clouds and wind increasing we climbed aboard the CuRVy and headed onto the Parkway in slight drizzle and the on and off precipitation only added to our pleasure and to the photo opportunities. 

We went through another bit of deja vous when we arrived at our next motel as again there was no record of us booking a room even though we had confirmation from Not withstanding these problems the room was OK and the day had been great. Adding to our pleasure was the Pho we had for tea at the Vietnamese Restaurant across the road. No it's not tradional Appalachian fare but it was cheap, quick and GOOD!!!

Another latish start, maybe the Educator could get used to slowing down in the mornings, or maybe we are having too much fun. Whatever the reason the day and each of our days continue to be lots of funnnnn!!! The Blue Ridge Parkway didn't disappoint giving us scenic overlook after scenic overlook and photo opportunity after photo opportunity!!!

We have been priviledged to travel many roads in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States and the Blue Ridge Parkway is yet another stunning  place we could return to again and again! It's not only about the views and the music it's a good place to fall or get into Love............

And there we are in Love. 

Love, Georgia, USA that is.

If anyone is interested Love would be a Luvverly place to stay!!!! Love Cabins

Coming to the end of of the Blue Ridge Parkway we had a couple of decisions to make. Would we continue on the pretty mountain road and get to the next night's bed in the dark or take the quicker route. Looking at an increasingly dark sky and seeing the trees straining in the wind we took the quick option and before long we were congratulating ourselves as we passed through a horrendous storm!!!

We survived the storm and the trucks and made it to the hotel for a well earned rest!!!

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