Saturday, April 21, 2012

5 Days at HOME!!!! (Gravenhurst)

Well I have to say that our return to Gravenhurst made us feel that we were very much at HOME. We feel very comfortable here. Much of the comfortable feeling comes from being in a nice place and being surounded by nice people. 

A reprise of the past week may explain why we feel this way!

Day 1 Picked up car and after a few minor scrapes and groans (and a flat battery) we were underway and on our way to our great accommodation (thanks Greg, Jackie and Jacob). We are sooooo lucky!!!!

Friday up early (at least I was) and this is what confronted me 

 Not too shabby eh!!!

A few hours passed and a few pages read (Tuesdays with Morrie - Mitch Albom) and the Educator awoke from her slumber. Busy day ahead, hmmmmm what's new!!! Off to school where the Educator spent Black Friday morning with her class of 2011. In the meantime I had the morning at Sander's Motors where the CuRVy was getting checked, lubed and Re Tyred (Tired) i.e.Summer for Winter in preparation for the Grand Tour. A few hours and a few bucks later I made my way to be greeted warmly by Johnnie, Curtis, Caleb and the others who remembered reading to me in the hallway. Potluck Dinner at the Cottage with Marsha, Bryan, Dianne, Leslie and Peter. A good day (and evening for all).

Another late start for Julie who was off to Hardy Lake for a walk with Elaine and a cast of thousands.  For the Apiarist it was back to the cottage and back to the washing. Some people have all the fun? 

 You pick the lucky one!!!!!

After the return of the educator it was off to a welcome party at Elaine and Dave's. Lots of fun but some emotion during the formalities. One highlight of the night was the dress of the Christensen's who were heading to a "Titanic" event!!! 

We had planned to be travelling to Collingwood and visiting our friends Greg and Marianna but our days were not in sync so it was back to the Cottage for a lazy lunch on the dock.

Then a bout of lamington making with Jacob's timely arrival and a visit from Dave and Elaine. Hmmmmm relaxation how did we let that creep in???? Sunday finished with a delightful salmon dinner to celebrate Barb & John's wedding anniversary at Rick and Lisa's.

Monday saw the Apiarist back at the Seniors Centre with the exercise class. Lots of fun but no Kirsten, baaahhh. The Educator was exercising at the NOW COMPLETED  Centennial Exercise Centre where she was joined by the apiarist who made his way through Jaimey's exercises. Julie then had a date at Boston Pizza before an author's visit at school. That night saw us at a Japanese Fusion Restaurant, Wabora in Bracebridge with Jacqui, Greg and Jacob. Fun night with the people who have made this trip so good!!!

Bad news with the car the next morning. A tyre (tire) that was making some noise needed to be replaced and because the CuRVy is an All Wheel Drive it meant FOUR NEW TYRES!!! Oh well guess it is better to be safe than sorry and we do have a few kilometres (miles) to travel. While I was at Sander Motors Julie went walking to the Library with the school team so her morning was not too expensive. Home for a few hours in the afternoon before a great dinner at Blaincroft. Thanks Marsha and Bryan you are great hosts!! Home for a quick bit of packing in readiness for the start of the Great Southern Adventure the next day. 

Dropped the CuRVy off to get the new tyres (tires) and got a lift to Grace & Speed to meet up with the Wednesday Workgang. Enjoyed some good company and nice cakes (thanks Anne) before heading off in the now, well shod CuRVy towards Sault Ste Marie..... 

And by the way it was nice to see that "Jeff's" Canoe was on display




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